I have the opportunity each month to sit on the Boy Scout Eagle board of reviews and talk to really outstanding young men. One of my favorite questions to ask is, “Who, besides yourself, is most responsible for your being here?”
I love to hear the answers. Usually, the young men have trouble limiting themselves to one person. Isn’t that true for all of us who have ever succeeded at something?
Life isn’t an individual endeavor. Business certainly isn’t. We all stand on someone else’s shoulders. In the insurance agency business this is particularly true. It’s virtually impossible to be successful without a lot of assistance from a variety of people.

At OAA, our business is built on helping others succeed. Perhaps because of that, I’m particularly mindful of those who have helped us on our path to success.
Helping others is a great business strategy. When a business owner hires a promising young person and mentors them the business benefits. When we go out of our way to assist another business owner we are ultimately rewarded, as well.
Which leads me to the follow-up questions I always ask outstanding young men on the cusp of Eagle, “What are you going to do to repay those who helped you? How will you help others?” I’m very proud to tell you there is never any hesitation before I receive a reply. These young men always have a plan. They’re prepared to give back!
So, what about you? Who has helped you on your path to business success? How will you repay them? Something to think about as you develop your plan.