The COVID crisis has taken a massive hit on the economy, and insurance agencies are suffering the effects. However, this crisis also brings lots of opportunities for agency owners with courage and vision.
Let me show you the many silver linings that COVID-19 can have for an independent insurance agency, and how to take advantage of every opportunity during these difficult times.
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Times of crisis are also times of incredible opportunity, and the COVID crisis has accelerated the technology evolution and forced even the most tech-averse among us to use tools such as video conferencing to work or even interact with our loved ones. Social distancing has driven every non-essential worker home, where we are all discovering how to be productive and efficient without a boss breathing down our necks.
This forced migration into the virtual world opens immense opportunity for independent insurance agents with vision, ambition, and the determination to take advantage of them.
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Success in insurance is no longer reserved to the sage agent who has all the right hunches and gut-feels: success is there for anyone willing to look at the data, understand what it means, and act according to hard evidence. Even risk-taking can be informed by analytics and data, so you can take better risks with a greater chance of success.
Running a business is a lot more complicated than many imagine when they set out to start their independent agency, full of dreams of success and wealth. But both success and wealth can be created, especially during these complex times, if you are smart about it.
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The UnCaptive Agent takes you step-by-step through the thinking, mindset, skill sets, and checklists you need to launch and successfully operate an independent insurance agency.
If you’re ready to escape limitations, build incredible income and wealth, and create the life of your dreams, this book is a must-read.
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